Hi, I am Annie Prause

25 years experience working in the health, medical, psychiatric community, as well as organic farming, and creating natural foods, skin care products. Experienced in mixing herbs and homeopathic compounds to help enhance the lives for you and your family (human and pet alike)

Hello and welcome

 QHHT  Sessions take  4 hours. These sessions are in person only on a 1:1 basis.
You will be provided with an MP3 copy of the session that you can utilize at a later date.
Please contact to discuss if you are interested in this service.

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)?

Dolores Cannon spent 45 years developing this specific process of  regressive hypnotherapy which allows the individual to enter a relaxed trance enabling communication with the higher self to help alleviate blockages. Only one session is needed.

Annie Prause, BSc, Sr. Traditional Herbalist, Cert. Animal Bowen Therapist, Counsellor/Coach, QHHT  Level 2 Practitioner

My Mission

I love working with people and their animals to enrich the qualities of lives for all. I have been working as a coach/counsellor in Taranaki NZ for 13 years, and am now available for QHHT sessions by appt. (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy)
I am available onsite, in Stratford office, or by phone.

How can I help

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy

QHHT Therapy as taught by Dolores Cannon

4 hour session involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization to gain information from the quantum field  to help us heal blockages that may be present in this current lifetime. 


Must be able to visualize and/or meditate

In person sessions only – in office or out/travel extra

General Wellness Coaching/Counselling

Thorough holistic assessment of all factors (nutrition, environment, supplements, etc) contributing to current health situation.

In person/phone/email

Pet Family Health

 Analyzing all health concerns, animal communications, vet prognosis to come up with natural care  plan moving forward for your pet.  This includes energy work that may be needed, homeopathy, herbs, etc. In person/phone/email

Self love

1) a regard for one’s own happiness and well being
2) A state of appreciation for oneself that allows for growth of our physical, psychological and spiritual being.

My Philosophy

If we love and care for ourselves, we are very careful what we put into our bodies – Diet makes up 80% of our health outcomes – the other 20% comes from environment, physical movement, and our attitude.